We make your stay special...

Our luxury concierge service

At Prestige Villa Rental, we know exactly what it takes to make your getaway special, whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure or pure gastronomic indulgence. Discover how our luxury concierge service transforms every stay into an unforgettable experience.

Personalized welcome and basic services

Each stay includes a personalized welcome and tour of the house or villa, professional housekeeping and all essential linen. You'll be welcomed as soon as you arrive and immediately feel at home, thanks to our attention to detail.

Professional hospitality services

In addition to a wide range of professional hospitality services, you'll also benefit from 24/7 support throughout your stay. Whether you have a question or an emergency, our local team is there to give you peace of mind.

Customized additional services

From organizing private events to reserving tables in the most sought-after restaurants, from providing a butler or chauffeur to handling travel formalities, we strive to turn every wish into reality, with discretion and excellence.

We are here to


Menu of available services

Please see below for a non-exhaustive list of available services. Explore the options to see how we can further enrich your stay with personalized touches and upscale services.

  • Car rental
  • Boat and yacht charter
  • Private jet
  • Grocery delivery
  • Booking private chefs and butlers
  • Organizing local activities
  • Restaurant and special event reservations
  • Wellness services (massages, yoga, etc.)
  • Excursions and guided tours
  • Planning private events (weddings, EVGs, EVJFs, etc.)
  • Horseback riding
  • Cooking classes

Contact us

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