Buy a home with Prestige Villa Rental

Explore one of the world's finest collections of vacation homes.

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Prestige Villa Rental support

Here are the main stages of the support we offer, fully customizable to your needs and desires.

Step 01

Defining your real estate project

We help you clarify the essential criteria for your purchase. Based on your objectives, we provide you with projections of the property's potential rental return.

Stage 02

Entrust your search to our local experts

Once your project has been defined, our local partners will help you select properties and organize visits.

Stage 03

Validate your financing

We work with partners who share our values of transparency and quality to help you finance and optimize your property for tax purposes.

Stage 04

Draft the offer to purchase and sign
the preliminary sales agreement.

You can call on our specialized international partners for these crucial steps.

To find out more and discuss your project
, please fill in our contact form

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  • (+93) Afghanistan
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